reward |
- socially valued goods or burden
reward_system |
- a pattern by which valued goods or burden is allocated
(in)justice_perception |
- the extent to which an actor believes a reward accords with a normatively expected reward level
incongruence |
- disagreement between the reward-to-investment linkages
negative_incongruence |
- an incongruence in which an actor's or group's reward is of less (greater) positive value than that reward level specified in a referential structure or rule
stability |
- extent to which a reward system is consistent throughout time dimension
asymmetric_justice_perception |
- the tendency that under reward has a larger effect than comparable over reward in producing justice perception
primacy_effect |
- initial justice perception remains stable over time despite new information
categorization |
- reinterpretation of or rationalization for negative behavior
malleability |
- the ease with which categorization can occur based on the context
moral_standards |
- beliefs about what is right and wrong
cheat |
- deceiving others for a gain that will cost them
dishonest_behavior |
- lying, cheating, or stealing
public_good |
- members of a group contribute to this resource pool shared by all
norm |
- social rule which requires behavior costly to an individual but beneficial to the group
second_order_free-riding |
- abstaining from punishing the free-riders
sanctioning |
- punishment of free-riders
free-riding |
- benefiting from a public good without contributing to it
injunctive_norm |
- the perception of common (dis)approval of a particular kind of behavior
descriptive_norm |
- the perception of common (dis)approval of a particular behavior common in a setting
disorder |
- situations in which injunctive norms and descriptive norms are in conflict.
hedonic_goal |
- an outcome that makes P immediately feel good.
gain_goal |
- an outcome that increases P’s resources.
appropriateness_goal |
- an outcome in which P conforms to injunctive norms.
well-being |
- A state of good or satisfactory condition
realistic_threat |
- Threat to the well-being or existence of an ingroup
outgroup |
- Groups of people who are not included in the ingroup
affect |
- emotions and evaluations
group_inequality |
- level of a group's advantage over another group
intergroup_anxiety |
- threat to an individual ingroup member
threat |
- fear of perceived negative outcomes
prejudice |
- Negative affect associated with an outgroup often based on inaccurate information
intergroup_conflict |
- negative confrontation between two groups
symbolic_threat |
- threat to the views of an ingroup
negative_stereotyping |
- perception of negative expectations of a group
ingroup |
- groups of people who recognize themselves as a group
inequality |
- the level to which one group in a society has advantages over other groups
political_system |
- the institutions related to governing the state and its populace
political_power |
- ability of individuals to effect outcomes in the political system
impediment |
- any condition that inhibits or blocks the action or N, S, and/or I.
salient |
- something of which an actor is aware, and to which s/he attaches some degree of importance
social_impact |
- any psychological or behavior change in an actor with respect to an issue that results from the real or imagined presence or behavior of other actors
immediacy_(i) |
- the closeness in space or time or source to an actor
number_(n) |
- the number of sources in a situation
source |
- actors generating social impact
strength_(s) |
- the salience, power, importance, intensity, or status of a source
target |
- actor on which social impact operates
moral_rebel |
- someone who morally rebels
morally_charged_topic |
- a value ladden topic which has two opposing sides
obedient_other |
- someone who does not morally rebel
self-worth |
- self-perceived sense of moral adequacy
liking |
- uninvolved observer accepts moral rebel
moral_rebellion |
- refusing to take part in a problematic situation
problematic_situation |
- a situation which favors the opposite side of a morally charged topic that an actor favors
rejection |
- obedient other's dislike of moral rebel
uninvolved_observer |
- third party onlooker not taking part in the problematic situation
imagined_rejection |
- obedient other's assumption of future rejection by moral rebel
frequency_distribution |
- a summary of the incidences of particular types in comparison to other related types
organizational_form |
- properties shared by members of a set of organizations
reproduce |
- generate new organizations of a similar form
resources |
- material requirements for optimal functioning
survival |
- persistence through time
variability |
- the existence of different structure or function
environment |
- aspects of an organization's surroundings that can provide or extract its resources
fitness |
- the conformity of an organization's needs to the resources obtainable in its environment, and/or the conformity of its defenses against forces that would extract its resources
fixed_attributes |
- characteristics of the target character and his circumstances that cannot be controlled by the subject
flexible_attributes |
- characteristics of the target character and his circumstances that can be controlled by the subject
interactivity |
- The ability of a subject to either directly control a character or take on a role represented in the game world
self-concept |
- the characteristics that a subject associates with his/herself
- one's impression of themself as a good person
identification |
- a merger of subjects' self-concept with perceived characteristics of the target character
negative_evaluation |
- unsupportive response to behavior
network_of_relationships |
- a set of actors whose ties render them reachable by one another
positive_evaluation |
- supportive response to behavior
salience |
- the psychological prominence or conspicuousness of a concept
social_position |
- any socially recognized category of actors
values |
- beliefs about what is important
commitment |
- the extent to which P's relationships require P to perform a role
identity |
- perception of oneself as an occupant of a role
role |
- a cluster of duties, righs, and obligations associated with a particular social position
role_performance |
- behavior enacted when fulfilling a role
counter-role |
- a role associated with a social position which is defined in relation to another social position
related_identities |
- identities which are based on the same role or on a counter-role
role_expectation |
- expectations for role performance
innovation |
- social norm or value that differs from those of the dominant culture
mutual_conversation |
- specific process within the main theory wherein subcultural norms and values are developed
position |
- social and geographic location of the individual
problem |
- perception of a scenario that creates a tension, disequilibrium, or a challenge to the individual
subculture |
- a group of individuals who share norms and/or values that differ from the dominant culture
exploratory_gestures |
- social cue suggesting an innovation
solution |
- method through which a problem is resolved
accessibility |
- the ease with which a certain notion could be recalled in memory
activation |
- elevated excitement level of a certain idea in mind
associative_network_of_memory |
- the assumed structure of how cognitive notions are structured in memory
attribution |
- the psychological process of how individuals make inferenes about the cause of an issue or event
cultural_shock |
- organized set of beliefs, codes, values, and norms that are shared in the memory of a group or a society
frame |
- abstract principles that organize experiences to generate coherent meaning
framed_text |
- media texts that contain manifest linguistic features, which point to a central idea
justice_perception |
- what individuals think about the situation whether it is just or not
legitimacy |
- the belief that someone's position and the system incorporating it are right and proper
norm_stability |
- the degrees that norms are applied to across the situations with consistency
over_reward |
- condition in which actor gets more than expectation
power |
- differences in position that advantage certain actors when negotiating for resources
solidarity |
- the strength and durability of a person to group and person to person relation
under_reward |
- condition in which actor gets less than expectation
global_justice_perception |
- actors macro level justice perception of the situation, which they cannot experience directly in the group
conscious_choice |
- choice in which there is awareness of options and decision-making process
hyper-choice |
- stressful situation where an actor has multiple options from which they must choose one
important_choices |
- choice in which the actor values the outcome
pro-social_behavior |
- behavioral action directed at maximizing other's welfare with no concern of that of the self
self-focus |
- cognitive desire to maximize own welfare with no concern of that of the other
social_value_orientation |
- actor's motivations in a group giving situation
time-sensitive_choices |
- choice in which there is pressure to select options quickly
autonomy |
- the perceived ability to self-direct and pursue self-interests
conformity |
- the act of following and enforcing norms
deviation |
- the act of not following norms
social_order |
- a stable pattern of interactions
authoritarianism |
- an attitude which favors enforcement of social order through the use of norms
entity |
- person or object
signed |
- positive or negative
situation |
- all entities and ties
unit_tie |
- signed association (+) or dissociation (-) of two entities
attitude |
- signed evaluation of an entity
balance |
- zero or even number of negative unit ties or sentiment ties
change |
- alter unit ties or sentiment ties
imbalance |
- odd number of negative unit ties or sentiment ties
sentiment_tie |
- attitude toward an entity
collective_action |
- individual behavior as representative of a group to improve group conditions
ingroup_identification |
- individual’s perception of their identity as closely connected to the ingroup
perceived_group_efficacy |
- individual expectation of whether collective action as a group would be effective in improving the group conditions
perceived_injustice |
- individual perception of unfair group inequality