Choice and Pro-social Behavior

Version:1 / 1    Updated Date:11/14/2014    Original Contributor:jmcmac205    Latest Contributor:jmcmac205
Clarity: Logic: Support: Based on 1 rating(s) 

Key Words

Terms & Definitions:
  • conscious_choice - choice in which there is awareness of options and decision-making process
  • hyper-choice - stressful situation where an actor has multiple options from which they must choose one
  • important_choices - choice in which the actor values the outcome
  • pro-social_behavior - behavioral action directed at maximizing other's welfare with no concern of that of the self
  • self-focus - cognitive desire to maximize own welfare with no concern of that of the other
  • social_value_orientation - actor's motivations in a group giving situation
  • time-sensitive_choices - choice in which there is pressure to select options quickly

Scope Conditions:
  1. Opportunities for pro-social behavior follow the choice task.
  2. Opportunities for pro-social behavior are unrelated to choice task.
  3. Social value orientation is variable.
  4. There is sufficient information available about options.
  1. If a choice is important, time-sensitive and conscious, then hyper-choice is activated.
  2. If hyper-choice is activated, then self-focus increases.
  3. If self-focus increases, then subsequent pro-social behavior decreases.