
Version:1 / 1    Updated Date:11/14/2014    Original Contributor:p.danielle.lewis    Latest Contributor:p.danielle.lewis
Clarity: Logic: Support: Based on 1 rating(s) 

Key Words

Terms & Definitions:
  • authoritarianism - an attitude which favors enforcement of social order through the use of norms
  • autonomy - the perceived ability to self-direct and pursue self-interests
  • conformity - the act of following and enforcing norms
  • deviation - the act of not following norms
  • social_order - a stable pattern of interactions

Scope Conditions:
  1. Social interaction creates tension in individuals as they seek to resolve conflict between their interests and society's.
  2. The society is ruled by government.
  1. If a person highly values conformity, then the likelihood of valuing authoritarianism increases.
  2. If a person highly values autonomy, then the likelihood of valuing authoritarianism decreases.
  3. If autonomy is favored, then it is believed that the pursuit of self-interest will produce social order.
  4. If the pursuit of self-interest produces social order, then deviation should be accepted.
  5. If autonomy is favored, then deviation should be accepted.
  6. If conformity is favored, then it is believed that following norms will produce social order.
  7. If following norms produces social order, then deviation is a threat.
  8. If deviation is a threat, then norm enforcement is supported.
  9. If enforcement is supported, then the government is supported.
  10. If conformity is favored, then the government is supported.