Theory of Agenda Motivated Violence

Version:1 / 1    Updated Date:11/12/2014    Original Contributor:Stephen.Chicoine    Latest Contributor:Stephen.Chicoine
Clarity: Logic: Support: Based on 1 rating(s) 

Key Words

Terms & Definitions:
  • inequality - the level to which one group in a society has advantages over other groups
  • political_power - ability of individuals to effect outcomes in the political system
  • political_system - the institutions related to governing the state and its populace

Scope Conditions:
  1. Group members must be able to communicate with each other.
  2. The group must have the resources, capabilities, and technical knowledge to carry out a instance of AMV.
  3. A violent framing ideology must be present.
  4. This theory does not apply to states, state sponsored groups, or the mentally ill.
  1. The greater the inequality, the greater the conflict salience.
  2. The less political power available to a group, the greater conflict salience.
  3. The greater the cultural distance between groups, the greater the conflict salience.
  4. If a precipitating event occurs, then conflict salience will increase.
  5. The greater the conflict salience, the greater likelihood that AMV will occur.